Cookie Policy

Flora Botanica Store Cookie Policy

Flora Botanica Store uses cookies – tiny files saved to your device (if you give your permission) – to collect information about how you use our website and what your preferences are.

Cookies collect information on:

  • how you reached our site
  • which pages you visited
  • how much time you spent on each page
  • what you click on while you're here
  • your non-specific location (town, county or country)
  • what site you visit next

We also use cookies to improve the functionality of our site and tailor the settings to your needs. For example:

  • They can remember what you have put in your shopping basket, so it doesn't become empty if you leave the page
  • If we know what country you visit from, we may be able change the language to suit your needs
  • If you change the text size, cookies will remember your text settings for your next visit

Please note: The data collected is anonymous. We can't use it to identify you or track your activity on other sites. 


Why we use cookies

We use to help us improve what we offer, give you a better user experience and help us improve our marketing and targeted advertising. 

If you choose to reject cookies, you may not be able to access all the features of our site – especially features tailored to your preferences.


Controlling cookies

If you'd prefer to block or delete cookies on our site, visit the support or help section of your internet browser for instructions on how to do that. 

To find out more about cookies and how to control them, we recommend you visit the ICO website.


Please note: We don't have any control over cookies used on social media sites, such as Pinterest and Instagram, even though we may have accounts with them. Also, we have no control over cookies used on sites we may link to and third-party sites.